Due to a budget shortfall, Wyatt's 1991 LP Dondestan (half of which was centered around poems by his wife Alfreda Benge) was released before being properly mixed. In 1998, Dondestan (Revisited) finally gave these songs-which range from the haunting to the humorous-the sonic attention they deserved: Dondestan; Sight of the Wind; Shrinkrap; CP Geebies; Worship; Lisp Service; Catholic Architecture, and more! CP Jeebies, N.I.O. (New Information Order), Dondestan, Sight of the Wind, Shrinkrap, Catholic Architecture, Worship, Costa (Memories of Under-Development), Left on Man, Lisp Service, CP Jeebies, N.I.O. (New Information Order), Dondestan, Sight of the Wind, Shrinkrap, Catholic Architecture, Worship, Costa (Memories of Under-Development), Left on Man, Lisp Service