Mark Mothersbaugh: Thor: Ragnarok (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Vinyl LP)
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Mondo Music in partnership with Hollywood Records is proud to present the premiere vinyl pressing of Mark Mothersbaugh's score to THOR: RAGNAROKFormer Devo frontman Mark Mothersbaugh (The Royal Tenenbaums, The Lego Movie) is the perfect choice for Taika Waititi's radical third chapter in the THOR series. Skillfully weaving the sonic landscape of the high fantasy genre with otherworldly synth, Mothersbaugh has produced one of the best scores of the entire MCU. Ragnarok Suite, Running Short on Options, Thor: Ragnarok, Weird Things Happen, Twilight of the Gods, Hela vs. Asgard, Where am I?, Grandmaster?s Chambers, The Vault, No One Escapes, Arena Fight, Where?s the Sword?, Go, What Heroes Do, Flashback, Parade, The Revolution Has Begun, Sakaar Chase, Devil?s Anus, Asgard Is a People, Where To?, Planet Sakaar, Grandmaster Jam Session