Konami Kukeiha Club: Contra 3: Alien Wars (Original Soundtrack) (12-Inch Single)

Konami Kukeiha Club: Contra 3: Alien Wars (Original Soundtrack) (12-Inch Single)


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Mondo is proud to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Contra franchise with the premiere Vinyl release of the original soundtrack to the 1992 Super Nintendo sequel: The Alien Wars.Set 3 years after the original, Red Falcon and his legion have returned to Earth, this time with the intent of launching a full-scale war against it's inhabitants. It's up to Bill and Lance, our heroes to scale walls, ride motorcycles, and even cling to soaring missiles in an attempt to defeat the onslaught.The music of Contra 3: The Alien Wars is epic to say the least - the looping sequences of each level are longer, taking full advantage of the new audio capabilities available to the composers on the Super Nintendo. In some instances, like with 'Battle Runner' which operates on-the-rails for large stretches, it affords for the composers to have some sequences to go nearly two minutes before a single loop. The sweeping scope of these tracks leads to a chaos absent from the previous chapters of the run-and-gun series, while still obeying the structures and pacing of Video Game music... Just with more complex time signatures, and percussion patterns. Side A, Alien Wars Begin, It's Time for Revenge, Bloody Storm, Pattern Clear, Select the Landing Point, Megalopolis, Daredevil, Hell Messenger, Go Forward Under Fire, The Showdown, Return in Glory, No Hope No Life